
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Apparently, I'm a little stressed.

When you are a full-time caregiver for a family member it's important to remember to take care of yourself....mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.   If you don't, you may find yourself in a worse position then the one the person you are caring for is in.  You have to learn to accept the help when it is offered and not worry about what someone might think.  You should NEVER have to do it alone and shouldn't. 

Which brings me to today's post.  I went to the doctor today because I've had sore jaw for almost two weeks.  I've never had it hurt for this long before, maybe a day or two but that is it.  This time it has been lingering, almost excruciating at times, shooting pain in to my ear.  I thought for sure I had some sort of ear infection.  I finally got tired of fighting it, so I made the infection.  After a brief exam and some questions, the doctor recommended I see a dentist.  So I popped over to my dentist to see when I could get an appointment, only they got me right in instead.(Score!!)  She was polite, asked me questions, and listened to what was going on and informed me I have TMJ....which is the fancy letters to mean pain in the jaw. LOL

The part I'm leaving out is the question both the doctor and dentist asked me......Are you under a lot of stress?   Who me???  Why, I have no idea whatever they could mean.  Having your in-laws move in with you?? Stressful.  Being the primary caregiver for your mother-in-law?? Stressful.  Working while taking care of your mother-in-law?? Stressful.  So, yeah I guess you could say I might be under some stress.  Enough stress apparently, I must be clenching and/or grinding my teeth in my sleep.

Sidenote: The doctor did get a little more prodding in her questions because not only did my jaw hurt, but apparently my blood pressure was a little elevated......okay, more than a little.  I didn't think about it at first, but one of her questions was if I ever experienced chest pains.  YIKES!!  Now, disclaimer....the high blood pressure is not strictly from the caregiving, I could definitely eat better and lose some weight, but it is a factor that doesn't help.

This is why I say it's important to take care of yourself, to take some time FOR yourself.  I am fortunate that I have a great support system at home.  My husband and youngest son (19) are a big help, so I'm not truly alone in this journey.  BUT, I do still have to make sure I pay attention and take the time away when I need it and that is something that is still a work in progress, a lot of work apparently.

As the caregiver, you think you are the only one that can do the job and do it correctly and that is a mindset I, myself, need to change.  It's like the wife that rearranges the dishwasher after the kids or husband load it.  It's okay if things aren't done the way you do them.  Sure there are certain things that need to be done in caregiving, but that doesn't mean your way is the only way to do them.  All that does is add more stress to an already stressful situation, and it's an unnecessary stress to add.

So, I'm going to take the muscle relaxer the dentist prescribed and get better at taking care of myself and taking time for myself....because I deserve it.


  1. Bev, please remember that there are programs set up for just this type of situation. You should be able to get someone to come in to help with the bathing etc.

    1. Thanks. We have looked into some, but they can be pricey and where we live their aren't alot of options, but I know when needed we will be looking into doing that.

  2. Also, I've heard wine can help too. I know where to get some...😉

    1. LOL....if only I drank, although I do indulge in a wine cooler every now and then.
