
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Life goes on, so let's make it count.

 It's been a little over two years since I wrote anything in this blog, let alone opened it and looked at it.  I don't know why I did today, but I did.  I no longer do the review sites, or "get paid to" sites that I plugged on this blog, albeit not very well, so I decided to get rid of those posts.   Honestly, I'm not sure any of the sites are even still there.  So I decided to just bring this blog back to what I wanted......ramblings of whatever is on my mind at the time.  

While "cleaning up" this blog, I went down memory lane as I read some of things I have written over the past 10 years.  (Yes, 10 years!)  I saw how much my life has changed over those years as well, even in the last 2 years since I last posted. 

Both my kids have turned into wonderful adults that I am proud of.  I'm still working at the Chiropractor's office 7 years later, only now I'm the office manager.  The dog has gotten greyer, but then haven't we all?  We've survived a pandemic, although many still struggle(physically, mentally, and financially) because of everything that went along with it.  And I've had the honor of taking care of both sets of parents and helping them on the last leg of their journey through their lives.  In fact, my mother moved back in with us this past April for financial reasons, but we know that this will definitely be her last move.  And while yes, she is my mother and we will drive each other crazy(have I  mentioned she is VERY hard of hearing???) I wouldn't change it for anything.  Like I said, I am honored to be able to have her with us and be a part of her journey on this last leg.  How long that journey will last, I have no idea, but I don't think it will be a short one as she shows no signs of slowing down.

So what do the next 10 years hold?  Who knows, but I can't wait to find out and maybe I will even share some of it with you here.  But no promises.  Life is worth living and experiencing for yourself and that is what I'm going to try and do.   We only get one chance at it, so let's make it count!

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